What Price Redemption?This post may be a refreshing change for many of you, since I’m not blogging about religion, bad cops or politics, this time………..Jan 27Jan 27
Don’t Say “One Bad Apple”!!!If you STILL think that it’s just a case of “one bad apple” then you haven’t seen my pages #CopswillbeCRIMINALS or #CopswillbeKILLERS.Jan 24Jan 24
Better Education For A Better SocietySome of the most valuable life lessons that I ever learned came from my grade school English teachers.Jan 20Jan 20
Opinionated, Aren’t We…..I’ve written more than a few posts on opinions and beliefs vs. facts. My angle tends to be one of a person that likes to see people minding…Jan 19Jan 19
The Never Ending Hubris of Politics and ReligionThe Bible preaches against arrogance (as in the case of THIS pastor) and yet followers of Catholic and Christian faiths still insist that…Jan 15Jan 15
A World of PeopleLet’s all forget for a moment that humans are not the only living organisms on the planet. For the purposes of this essay, let’s suspend…Jan 10Jan 10
The Best and BrightestThe best and brightest that can’t figure out Dark Matter or Dark Energy know for a fact that life after death doesn’t exist.-Jan 4Jan 4
Two Things Cannot Occupy The Same Space……..There are people in this world who still love the Confederate Flag and they believe that they love what it stands for and that loving and…Jan 4Jan 4