As I Was Saying………

Sue Hirsch
5 min readNov 9, 2019

Remember, in my Why Calexit NOW? blog post, when I said that the US is allowing itself to be run by religion? Here’s exactly what I said:

We must resist those who would impose religion on politics to justify their misogyny and xenophobia.

And here is one subtle example.

(Yes, I’m off on another tear, but don’t worry, there will be good news, at the end).

Your Vice President just made my case for me………again!

Christians are not the only people in need of some charity, in America, and religion should not be a deciding factor in who gets charity from your Federal government.

When a parent plays favorites with their children, we judge them harshly.

When teachers play favorites with students, and we see it on social media, the school administration gets the equivalent of an earful from everyone with access to social media.

When employers pay their employees unequally, for the same work, they can pay heavy fines, in court.

So why are you allowing your Federal Government to play favorites, with YOUR TAX DOLLARS?

What if they’re sending those charity dollars to a Christian organization that is supporting a rare breed of crocodile? Is that really where you want your tax dollars to go? What if they’re supporting Deer Ticks, in a little known region of the Arabian Dessert?!

We need to stop dividing ourselves along religious and party lines long enough to start fighting for policy making that MAKES SENSE!!

(I promise I’ll get to the good news. Bear with me a little longer).

So far, in this “president’s” term, you have allowed him to divide you with his rhetoric and fear mongering. You have allowed him to gas light and distract you with his bragging and talk of building a topographically ridiculous, and environmentally destructive wall. You’ve allowed him to wreck havoc on your country’s economy and reputation with other country’s leaders.

You’ve allowed him to make policies that have in actual fact KILLED people!!

People have died for want of medications that he allowed to be made unaffordable, for the sake of bribes from big pharma.

People have died in his American Concentration Camps.

People have died for lack of the heating assistance that was guaranteed to them under Obama.

People have died for lack of FEMA assistance that they used to be able to rely on, in the aftermath of emergencies.

People in Michigan have died for lack of bottled water that the Federal Government owes to any American district that is threatened by the sloppy handling of its water.

People in California have died, because of his unwillingness to take PG&E to task for their sloppy handling of our electricity.

People have died because of his sloppy handling of his Dakota pipeline.

People have lost children, because of his unwillingness to make common sense gun control policies, for the sake of his bribes from the NRA.

People have been laid off from work, because of his tax breaks for their rich CEOs.

People have lost work because of his travel bans and deportations.

People have lost workers, and millions of dollars of crops, just here in California, because of his deportations.

Among all these losses, I haven’t seen ONE positive policy made by the current administration. I’ve seen roll-backs of policies that the Toddler-in-Chief claimed were bad for America. Those have been policies that protected our environment, and DREAMERS and affordable health care.

I’ve heard our Liar-in-Chief embellish the truth of his educational career……and that of his porn star wife. I’ve heard him brag about businesses that he’s owned when he declared bankruptcy on several of them, pays nothing for others in taxes, and only pays to have his name on many.

But I’ve digressed. (A great failing of mine). And I’m beating a dead horse. (Another great failing of mine). I did promise you good news, after all.

So here’s where I come to the good news I promised you:

You can change the paradigm.

Don’t worry, I’m not just going to tell you to vote him out, along with all his sycophants, and evangelical worshipers and other yes men. I’m not just going to tell you that you can simply impeach him and all will be right again with the world.

You can do all of that, and all will NEVER be right again for America. Too much damage has already been done to her economy, environment and reputation for Americans to ever be able to repair all of it.

The solution that I propose is of a more realistic scale:

Do what you can.

You can think critically about your choices, and research before you act/buy/donate.

You can do business with those who vote like you would, if your child were LGBTQAI/special needs/on insulin/a girl/Black/Brown/Muslim.

You can do business with those who vote for politicians who vote to protect our elders/oceans/children/forests/fair trade/civil rights for all and honest labeling of our foods.

You can be civilly disobedient, when it counts.

You can protest, when it’s needful.

You can vote when it’s timely.

You can lead by example.

You can volunteer time and donate money directly to secular causes, AFTER you’ve researched the organization to know where those donations really go.

AND, if you live in California, you can look into the idea of secession.

Yes it’s possible. Yes it’s legal, (*1) and yes it’s even plausible……..and becoming more so all the time.

  • *1. Just because there’s no procedure for it doesn’t mean that a new procedure would be ruled to be “illegal”.

You see. I did get round to the good news. I keep my promises. That already makes me more presidential than your current “president”. …..Hmmmmmmmmm. President. I hadn’t thought of that, yet, as a possible career path…………

No, actually that’s a lie. I’ve dreamed about it a lot, since 2016, because I know that I could do a better job than America’s current, so- called president.

I wish that I could say that that would be a difficult thing to achieve, but sadly……’s just not. ………..


