Member-only story
FOUND On FB Wall of Shame: David Richards and Judge Sword- We Can Do Better Than This!!
Our justice system has been broken for centuries. I’ve said that before. I’ve mentioned the fact that the police were born of slave bounty hunting task forces, and that the statistics show that more Black people go to jail, than White people and they do so for lesser crimes and their sentences are longer.
They also go to prison at younger ages than their grade school counterparts. It’s called the school to prison pipeline.
Yeah……We’re sending babies to jail. Mind boggling, isn’t it?
And once they have a record, police are more apt to continue to harass them or send social services to do so.
The best universities still tend to give preference to White students and it’s not always because they have the best grades. As often as not, it’s because their parents can pay bribes because they were given the nod for jobs while their Black counterparts, who were just as good were passed over, or in other cases, their Black colleagues are simply paid less for the same work.
So that very common case, above, of a White Man getting away with a slap on the wrist for a horrible crime, when a Black person would have gotten at least a dozen years for it in prison, is really just a symptom.