“Good News Can Wait……Bad News Will Not Go Away” — Tevye in Fiddler on the Roof
Some news publications, to build ratings and stir discontent and division, are rubbing people’s noses in the moratorium of California’s Death Penalty, imposed by Governor Gavin Newsom.
What better way to stir up discontent and division, (there-by taking the focus off tRump’s ongoing crimes against humanity) then by taking the topic of the moratorium into the lives of the families of the victims of some of those death row inmates who are actually on death row, LEGITIMATELY?
Those who interview the victims want a story, so they certainly won’t take it upon themselves to ensure that their interviewees UNDERSTAND the meaning of the word “moratorium”. (a waiting period set by an authority- Webster). Governor Newsom, may indeed be looking to end the death penalty, in California, for good, and it seems that he is. At the same time, he has said to the Modesto Bee editorial board that: …..he would “be accountable to the will of the voters” on the death penalty if he became governor. …….”
On the other hand, tRump, consistently does exactly as he pleases, whether his constituents like it or not:
“News” publishers may not even bother to remind people that the inmates who are falsely accused and waiting on death row, ALSO have families and that their families are being harmed by their wrongful incarcerations.
By now, you have probably come to realize that I’m about to take it upon myself to do just that. …….
You see, IF someone is legitimately on death row, then they can continue to remain in jail, or on probation, until we have proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that they harmed or killed someone. After that, we need to keep in mind that their death won’t bring back a loved one. It would only satisfy our own need for revenge, and put an end to having to pay for their food and board.
I’m not a big fan, myself, of having to pay for the upkeep and maintenance of a cold blooded killer, and am not at all sure that the death penalty should be completely taken off the table, but I am a proponent of taking a closer look at our racially biased and obsolete justice system, before we continue to kill more alleged killers.
Now put yourself in the place of one of those wrongfully convicted people.
First, let’s consider the damage to their reputation. It may be the least of their worries, but it factors in. It will make it difficult to impossible for them to ever work again, because they will have to check a box on an application that will leave them very little room for explanation, if any. There are also living accommodation applications to ponder, ……unless you actually have to fill one in, and then you’d better hope, AGAIN that you’re NOT a convict- even an exonerated one.
Next, there’s their family, to think about. How will their family continue to survive, after this innocent person is wrongfully sent to prison? Will they be able to continue the legal battle (appeal) to get their husband/father/son/daughter exonerated or did they need that person’s income to keep a roof over their heads?
And how about the trauma that family goes through, seeing their husband/father/son/daughter taken away in handcuffs, so that they can’t hug them, one last time?
Say there’s not enough money for a protracted legal battle, or an appeal of the sentencing……….because we all know that that system is broken. You can always BUY a “get out of jail free card” for the right price…………Unless you’re poor or come from a non-Caucasian background.
Americans and or their very corrupt justice system will even rip babies out of the arms of their parents, to detain them separately, and then rape the children of those parents, before adopting them out to more “American” parents:
Now the real question: Why are we so eager to kill EVERY SINGLE convict on death row?
Why are we more focused on killing convicts than we are on proving that they are deserving of that fate?
Those links above prove that we truly are that intent on killing, rather than on being sure that we are punishing the right people for the right crimes.
And that it’s been going on for a while………
Those links lead to stats and stories that tell us that judges are often guilty of taking bribes for jailing kids, so that they can be used for child labor, pornography and worse.
And that it’s been going on for a while………..
Those links tell us that we have a “justice system” BUILT ON racism.
That doesn’t mean that the guy that raped, beat or killed your son/daughter/fill it in should get away with it, or that they WILL get away with it. It means that:
- Our new governor is aware and wise enough to recognize that the problem is bigger than just one rape or murder or beating, and that it needs investigating from the bottom up.
- He knows that the system is obsolete, broken, bigoted, and heavy handed and that he has decided to put time and resources into fixing it.
- Innocent people or lesser violent criminals may go free for a while, and may or may not repeat their offense. They may or may not become productive members of society……….BUT THEY WILL HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO.
- There will be more room in our jails, (especially on death row) for the more violent offenders.
So maybe we should consider waiting to see how this “moratorium” of Newsom’s evolves.
I for one think that, by now, America would have had her craw full of killing, starting with Sandy Hook, and continuing through the wrongful deaths of the victims of abusive cops, and doctors who refuse to see Black People because they’re Black or LGBTQ people because it’s “against their religion” to save ALL people, even though they took a Hippocratic Oath to do so, and GET PAID to do so.
The “doctors” that refuse to treat patients on the basis of gender or color do as much harm and violence as any other convict on death row, and yet they more often get a slap on the wrist, in court, or suspended with pay for a while, and one of their supervisors assures us that they are “looking into it”.
If you’re truly upset about Newsom’s moratorium on the death penalty, which is a TEMPORARY THING- for now- then you should be even more outraged at the ongoing abuses of authority on the part of your city police, and ICE agents, as well as the highest authority in the US. ………..”The Individual One”.
If you are less outraged about those abuses and crimes against humanity than you are about the moratorium of the death penalty, then your outrage is “fake news”.