Member-only story
How is a Politician Like a Grade School Drop Out?
Actually, that’s a trick question…..
While a lot of your politicians may not, technically BE grade school or even high school “drop- outs”, our educational system FAILED them (and CONTINUES to FAIL our students: to the extent that their mental prowess tops out at the grade school or high school level.
This is proved out by the fact that they are voting a NON- ISSUE.
They are voting on whether or not you can marry someone who has a different skin pigment than your own, when
A. ………..
Now you might think that I’m mad ONLY about the fact that those who are deciding our fate for us are UNEDUCATED but the truth hurts a lot more.
The truth is that I’m disappointed in a nation that would give its power and freedoms away to SUCH AN UNEDUCATED KAKISTOCRACY!!…….
I’d be disappointed in ANY nation that displayed such weakness, acceptance, blind obedience and apathy.
It can’t POSSIBLY be anything less than a combination of all four of those failings that have turned the US into a sham of a nation of “FREE PEOPLE”.
We’re ALLOWING this kakistocracy to VOTE on how we live our lives by telling us who we can and can’t marry…