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How NOT to Educate Your Kids

Sue Hirsch
4 min readJan 20, 2022


According to the Mirriam Webster dictionary, the first definition of the word education, is:

the action or process of teaching someone especially in a school, college, or university.

The question that follows is of a very political nature and that is:

Who gets to choose what is taught in our schools?

When I consider the politics of that question the number of possible answers makes my head spin. Ideally, all people would choose to present FACTS to our students even when those facts make us uncomfortable. Allison Gaines explained the reasoning behind that, exceptionally well in her blog post, especially when she said:

Furthermore, if White men feel discomfort, guilt, anguish, or shame, it is not Black people’s fault, nor is it our responsibility to make White people feel at ease. No one is stopping them from turning any discomfort they feel into comfort by fighting against racism. Many White people have given their lives to fight against racism throughout history. In the South, 27% of those lynched were White.

If we want our kids to have a chance at creating a better world than the one that we will leave to them, then they are going to have to understand all the factors that lead up to war and all the work that goes into ensuring peace. Oppression ALWAYS leads to a rising up of the oppressed, which always leads to destruction of property and lives.



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