Why Calexit NOW?

Sue Hirsch
7 min readOct 25, 2019

I could tell you all the reasons that we need to Calexit now, and symbolically turn our backs on America. This missed becoming that sermon by a fraction of a decimal point.

This was going to be that sermon, until I realized that California is already halfway out the door. We’re halfway out the door with our collective back turned to the United States, and our eyes fixed firmly, where they have always been…..on progress.

For example: We entered into a cap and trade agreement with Canada in 2013 for the sake of the planet, and tRump is now telling his lawyers and the rest of the world that we’re doing it to spite him.


While defying tRump is always going to be a fun bonus, not everything is about him, much to his chagrin. The planet doesn’t care how much money he has or how many American tax dollars he wastes, golfing at Mar-a-Lago when he’s supposed to be working for the American people.

Considering that he spends little to no time working for the good and future good of the American people, why do we, here in California, support him or his administration with our tax dollars?

So maybe this post is about why we need to get out now. Maybe it’s about how there are a million better ways in which we could be spending our tax dollars on California’s affordable housing, on California’s infrastructure, and on California’s educational and health care systems.

And when people aren’t desperately trying to survive on what little of their hard earned dollars the Feds leave them, we’ll find ourselves spending less money on our prison system, and more time on turning it into a rehabilitation system.

The Federal Government has repeatedly proved it’s love for profit over people with all its cuts to welfare programs like food stamps and heating assistance for the elderly. It stopped sending clean bottled water to Flint, and swept sloppy water treatment practices under the rug along with aid to Puerto Ricans still suffering the aftermath of their latest hurricane.


A government that commits such crimes against humanity is no government to me. I turn my back.

The leader of the current administration had a clever solution for California, when she was suffering in the wake of wildfires caused by a monopoly’s complacency. He suggested that we rake our forests.

A creature so callous is no leader to me. I turn my back.

His travel bans hurt America’s tourism and hospitality industries, especially here in California.


Partially building an expensive and topographically ridiculous wall only hurt the American people who’s relief funds will be cut, to pay for the wall.


California is on that list, since we’ve just suffered through wildfires.

To his credit, it was probably put on land covered by $13 MILLION dollars of crops left rotting for lack of pickers that he scared off with his deportations.

And that’s just in California.

A leader that would make war on his own country’s economy is no leader. I turn my back, and I say that the US government owes us that 13 million in tax refunds.

Now tRump is turning his back not just on dozens of subgroups of the American people, but also on Syria, and leaving our long time Kurdish allies in a situation that threatens their lives.

Morality requires that we reject leaders who commit such crimes against humanity so that others will know that they can stand too. James Otis, an activist who helped the US to become independent of England, and went on to become a brilliant lawyer and politician put it like this:

“There shall be no more tyranny. A handful of men cannot seize power over thousands. A man shall choose who it is shall rule over him. . . . We give all we have, lives, property, safety, skills . . . we fight, we die, for a simple thing. Only that a man can stand up.”

I have friends who have put themselves in harm’s way so that “a man can stand up”……………….

They have been at protests against the separation of asylum seeking families. They have been at protests against fascism.

They have been Water and land Protectors beside our Indigenous brothers and sisters.

They have been warriors against the very tyranny of which James Otis spoke.

To these brave friends, and fellow warriors, I say thank you. It is my honor to be among you and fight by your side.

It is my honor to be among Californians who are that committed to being united by common goals, rather than torn apart by small differences, of heritage, gender, gender identity, religion, color, age, ability, or ethnicity.

They will be the true founders of the Nation of California.

California, we MUST UNITE across petty and imagined boundaries, because across our California National line, US politicians are already talking about how the only good HIV+ person is a dead one. That came straight out of the mouth of Rep. Betty Price, of the Republican party of Georgia.

The Republican party has become notorious also, for condoning violence against women, including denial of access to or even information on abortion.

I turn my back on that kind of dehumanizing of any group of people.

A lone dictator in Germany once convinced a country that the world would be better off if every member of my own heritage was wiped off the face of the Earth. Germany is still living with the shame of that, and calls it not the Holocaust, but War Crimes of Germany.

Someday, the current US immigration policies that separate and cage asylum seeking families, will be known as The War Crimes of America.

I turn my back and will not abide by the law of such xenophobic kakistocracy.

As Californians, in good conscience, we must not sanction Betty Price’s kind of hate speech.

We must resist those who would impose religion on politics to justify their misogyny and xenophobia.

We must protect the Civil Rights of every human being and it’s clear that we can no longer look to the US government to do so.

These ideals and agendas are what make California different from the US. This means that California is not truly and fairly represented in Washington DC, and yet the US is taking our tax dollars to support their horrible agendas of deportations and family separations, and making war in other countries.

The current administration isn’t sending aid for California wildfires, or funding for getting our train up and running, or fixing our highways, and they’re taking over control of our prison system for their own profit.

This is why Calexit is happening.

We are a donor state. Our tax dollars, produce, beef and dairy support the US and much of the rest of the world. If we kept those tax dollars in our own country, of California, we could house and feed our own citizens.

Instead our tax dollars go into wars and into supporting countries that don’t need our money, but get it because the current regime wants their oil and acreage for more tRump towers.

California had no say in becoming a US territory. We were simply annexed, and it’s time for us to bring that up in the court of public opinion, and before the UN along with all of America’s other more recent crimes against humanity.

Believe it or not, liberating our Nation will be fairly easy. We can take our case to the UN and rightfully call ourselves a Nation of unrecognized people, because we are. We are made up of many Nations of officially unrecognized Native American Tribes, and many immigrants from many lands.

Plenty of people in the red states truly believe that they would be better off with California out of the Union and we have Native American supporters, here in California.


We’re so confident that California will be liberated in the near future, that we’ve started to create the kind of relationships with our Indigenous brothers and sisters, that the US could never even dream of having on her most enlightened day.

The US committed deliberate and systematic genocide on the Native American People, breaking every one of the almost 600 treaties they made with them along the way, and then forcing the survivors onto resource poor reservations, and turned their backs on them. They continue to break treaties made with them, to this day.


For the sake of my Indigenous brothers and sisters and their ancestors who suffered the European invasion of The Americas, and the legacy it left behind, I turn my back on the US.

Return California is working toward a goal of inclusive governance of California. We don’t know exactly what that will look like yet, but we know that it involves showing respect for people and for our environment. Respect entails listening. That’s how we’ll learn from our Tribes to be better servitors to the land which will prevent a lot of wildfires, and we won’t even have to rake our forests.

Liberating California will also mean freer trade with other countries, which will benefit the rest of the world, as well as California.

California can catalyze a world revolution against fascism, but to do that, we have to show them how to shed the tyranny to create something better.

If you will stand and pledge with me, now, to lead a more equitable and progressive Nation then YOU are the founders of a newborn Nation of California.

Turn your backs on the US, with me!!

Turn your backs on all fascism with me!

Then let our battle cry ring out for the world to hear, that they will know that the Nation of California is born, this day, November third of 2019.

Viva California Libre!!

