Just Put a Blanket Over Your Head!
Someone saw a picture of Coco Lamarr on Facebook, in a tight dress on the Tudor Rose English Tea Room Events page and left ONE comment.
According to the commenter, the dress that Coco was wearing in the picture was “too small”. It didn’t matter that the performance was meant to be burlesque or that this commenter probably didn’t have any intention of joining in on the fun. It didn’t even matter that no one had ASKED for her opinion.
The original poster of the ad for the event EXPLAINED that the performance was to be burlesque. The puritanical woman who had commented only replied: Dress still too small.
Wisely, the administration only answered back “Ok”.
I say “wisely,” because I probably would have gotten pissy and told the commenter what she could do with her unsolicited opinions, but that wouldn’t have CHANGED her opinion or made her a better person. The Tudor Rose obviously remembered in time, that you can’t please all the people all the time.