Member-only story

Lies Cops Tell

Sue Hirsch
5 min readJun 17, 2022


The lies that cops tell begin with innocent seeming traffic stops and “investigations”. HERE, the cops knew that they were looking for a woman with a similar name to the teacher who was wrongly detained and handcuffed, and when the cops told their side of the story, later, they said that they had tracked her down “by her car”.

So she must have been driving the EXACT SAME CAR with the EXACT SAME LICENSE PLATE as the woman who had ACTUALLY DONE THE STABBING.

More untrue old tropes that the police often use to get us to let our guard down are:

  • I just wanna talk.
  • I need to see your id so that I can investigate.
  • I was concerned.
  • I got a call…..
  • There’ve been incidents of break in/other crimes around here.


If you’re at home, don’t even open your door for the cops when they knock. They’ll stick their foot in your doorway so that you can’t close it, while politely asking you if you’ve seen or heard anything, if you’re the homeowner, if anyone else lives in the house with you and if that’s your car in the driveway.

Police NEVER “just want to talk”.

When they say that, what they really mean is that they want to twist anything you say into an RAS. (Reasonable Articulable Suspicion). They’re not trained to find INNOCENT people. They’re trained to ARREST people.



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