Member-only story
No Case For “God”
Well, I’ve done it again……….. I’ve let myself get dragged into yet another verbal show- down with yet another die- hard Christian. Let’s not just outright say that they’re wrong, though, because that wouldn’t make for a fun dismantling of their straw men and card houses.
Let’s just start unpacking this person’s assertion that:
Science cannot be accomplished without pre-supposing a Christian worldview which accounts for uniformity in nature and logic- (sic)
So I replied to this person with ACTUAL logic:
(Name), You’re basically trying to disprove a negative. You’re saying that a thing/concept (science) would never have happened without the help of Christianity. Putting aside the fact that disproving a negative is an uphill battle and tends to bring about nonsensical arguments, I beg to differ.
Cavemen had no religion but they DID have CURIOSITY which led to exploration and experimentation. They began to wonder where the wooly mammoth migrated to in winter, so they followed them. They wondered what made a particular animal noise so they learned how to track animals and figured out what animals made which sounds.
(We have tangible proof of and empirical evidence to prove that cavemen existed and that they used tools and often migrated with their food supply. Proof of a god WE DON’T HAVE. We may have some evidence to suggest that there was once a teacher named Jesus but why we should care today remains a mystery. We’ve never been able to reproduce, in a…