Sue Hirsch
5 min readSep 12, 2018



Not ALL men are intent on taking away our rights, as women. They are not ALL intent on treating us like children. NARAL is made up of some of these “good guys”.

They understand that we are grown-ups and are entitled to the respect accorded to fellow grown-ups.

We need to also remember (Ladies) that we are not the only ones that have been oppressed and repressed by those in power, over great periods of time. Many stories like the ones I will put here, are coming to light. LGBTQAI peoples have been targets, children, Immigrants, and our Indigenous brothers and sisters, as well:

“Fast to Assuage THEIR Guilt” @SueHirsch01

Ladies, we have suffered NOT ALONE.

These shared persecutions can serve to unite us with our fellow men, women and children of ALL sorts and from ALL walks of life, for the purpose of taking back our power from those who seek to rule and make us feel powerless.

Case in point: “My vote won’t make a difference”.


Our votes WILL make a difference, when they are all tallied together, and when we are all marching together, we are a sight to behold! Great crowds of us marching down a street, can be seen from great distances, and get noticed.

All we have to do is know WHAT WE ARE MARCHING FOR.

I will be marching for change:

I want Not Just a change of regime from Republican to Democrat, and Not Just a change of President, but a change of the NARRATIVE, and a change of the PARADIGM.

We have been fed a story that this is the way a Democratic Republic works.

Maybe that’s true, but our Democratic Republic is no longer working for us, even though WE PAY the officials of that Democratic Republic to represent our interests.

So what do I want, in terms of change? Do I want socialism? Do I want Anarchy? Do I want Communism?


I want a blend of the best types of governments, (that already exist) that have managed to bless their people with free tuition and healthcare, which has meant incredible student success rates, that has put those countries at the top of the rankings, in the world, far, now, above the US.

I want us to come together to discuss these ideas, from across the aisle, and across boundaries and social boundaries.

I want us all to be able to drop the labels, that have been put upon us, by our respective favorite politicians, guardians, and all others, in order to form ourselves into committees working for the good of our country, rather than for the good of our PARTIES.

A “PARTY” is NOT a LIVING, BREATHING THING. Its feelings won’t be hurt, when you outgrow it, to deal with like-minded people, in order to do good for those who need you, like the babies in cages, who’s parents brought them seeking safety.

A “PARTY” won’t send you nasty notes when you turn away from it to better spend some of your time and energy helping one of our elders who’s had their heating turned off by the current administration, so that they could use that money to line their own pockets.

A “PARTY” won’t shame you for being fickle, if you decide to return to it, later, after you’ve done some good for real people. I guarantee you, though, that real people will say thank you, where “parties” won’t.

What we need is to separate ourselves, from the regime that rules us, now, because they have tended, for a long time to do anything and everything they can to keep themselves in power by making us believe horrible things about each other, so that we could not see our way to come TOGETHER to work on the issues that face EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US.

How we treat others, is one such issue, because how ONE American treats another, reflects on ALL Americans.

How we treat Nature doesn’t just REFLECT on all of us, it can mean the difference between LIFE AND DEATH.

California Calls for a Constitutional Convention is one organization that is working to lead the way to a better way. They are seeking to bring us together and they welcome your ideas, and questions.

Everything starts somewhere, and right now, their main focus is “Right Relationships” with our Indigenous brothers and sisters. They understand the need for and want to do some damage control of all the broken treaties and terrible relationships that went on between them and our Federal Government.

It boggles my mind that we could claim to have had self respect and respect for our own flag and governement, when we treated others with such disrespect. I have to wonder that we could ever have believed that our Federal Government would ever have been capable of any respect for us, when they proved over and over again, that they were incapable of treating other peoples with respect. I wonder and shake my head in dismay and disappointment, and then hope that we can all grow past BEING the parties that EMPOWER this disrespectful government, and DISEMPOWER US the people for whom it is supposed to work.

That is my hope for my entire country of America.

I know that California is capable of such a growth and evolution. She has proved that she is ready and wants to begin on a path of “right relationships” with others. She is already moving forward, without any help or approvals from the Federal Government, because she simply doesn’t need it.

We take care of our own. We have enough money in the California coffer to do that, for the most part, and will have even more with which to do more, when we stop paying our Federal Government to steal our money to make war in other countries and tyrannize us with oppressive and even lethal policies that take necessities away from vulnerable Americans:

Heating assistance from our elders.

SNAP from our hungry.

Rights to legal aid for incoming immigrants, even when they’re minors.

ACA for those that need affordable medical help.

Environmental protections that ensure clean water and air for EVERYONE. (No matter your party affiliation).

Species protections that banned trophy hunting so that those who NEED to hunt will have food, and so that we can all continue to co-exist and learn from the surviving animal species. (There is much to be learned from their behavior and DNA, etc.).

Regulations on development of land that protected our natural resources, so that we would have an opportunity to switch to clean energy sources, and to continue to study dwindling species that inhabit those areas.

The list goes on, but it can really all be summed up in the phrase “Right Relationships”. We need to get back into a state of “Right Relationships” with Man and Nature, ………..OR

…………………….……….WE ARE GOING

……………………………..……………..TO DIE.

Our time is running out.

One last note: I took the phrase “Right Relationships” from a good and very wise friend, named Clare Hedin, because it is apt, and I don’t think that she will much mind being quoted here.

