Once Proud

Sue Hirsch
3 min readOct 4, 2019


Dear Israel,



When I graduated into high school from a Jewish grade school, in California, USA, I was proud of my Jewish heritage. I had engaged in all the Jewish holiday practices, at school, and one of the ones that I loved the most was Sukkot- New Year Festival for the Trees.

Seeing my pride in and devotion to my Jewish heritage and my willingness to pass it down, someday to my children, my parents sent me to Israel to plant a tree in the homeland of the Jews.

Calling it our “homeland” isn’t totally accurate, because just like all other people, we were disparate and far flung in ages past. All Man was migratory.


So really, Israel was the “homeland” that took us in, after we survived the Holocaust, and they took some money, in the form of reparations from Germany, for doing us that service, in order to help us all get back on our feet again.


But I digress. I was going to tell you about my dream like trip to the “Homeland” to plant a tree on the 50th anniversary of your statehood, Israel, and how it filled me with even more pride in my people, to know that the land was so important, that my people welcomed help in simply ensuring that good soil was held in place, in a way that would shade and feed many, in just a few years, with those fruiting trees.

I think it was an olive tree that I planted but it could have been anything. Any tree puts nutrients into the ground, and oxygenates the air, and provides shade for people and habitats for animals and other plants. I toured the sights on a bus with a group of other Jewish kids my age, who all shared this pride in our common heritage, and wanted to see where they’re grandparents had come from, and to help plant a tree. I think a few of them planted two. Back then, Israel knew the importance of planting trees Back and I thought she walked on water.

I guess I was wrong.

Now, in order to do harm to the Palestinians, you are making warfare on the trees there-by harming the ecosystem…….for ALL of us.


Israel, with your history of having been a small number of people, constantly driven from your homes you should understand the plight of other minorities, and have more compassion for them in similar situations.

Israel, as children, we’re all taught to share, so why aren’t you sharing?! The people who had already set down roots in that land, before the Holocaust took YOU in and shared with YOU! How is it possible that there is no way to share with the Palestinians.

All the Palestinians want is the homes that they’ve been living in, and citizenship rights, and a seat at your political conference tables. Give them that, and they become as much Israeli, in effect, as you. They start paying taxes, into your collective coffer, and contributing to your state in other ways, as well.

Intimidating the Palestinians and making it nearly impossible for them (or anyone else) to survive on the land by digging up the trees means that they will have to leave and take a generation or two of potentially brilliant scientists, artists and inventors with them. It means that wherever these budding scientists, artists, and inventors go, they will be competing with the brilliant people left behind in Israel.

The air quality of the planet will degrade.

Your economy will founder for lack of the people for whom you are making survival in that place impossible.

And you will deserve it.

You are no longer my “Homeland”. I will say the Shema for you.



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