One Book
Californians need to become aware that volunteerism is becoming ever more important in California because of a pattern that has developed in the US, since 2016. It’s a pattern of theft from the needy, and a pattern of greed and hate mongering by those who are supposed to be looking out for our best interests, socially and economically.
But we all know what’s going on, politically, because we’re all living in the same mortifying hell. What I want to talk about today is Volunteerism, and one extraordinary volunteer, in particular.
I want to talk about this volunteer, because of one of the causes closest to her heart. That cause is literacy, and she’s bringing it to those who need it most. She’s started free libraries in low cost health clinics where they don’t loan, but give a book to each child that visits.
ONE BOOK Cody.……..Your Grandma Judy’s cause is to get just one donated book into the hands of every child that went through the hospital where she volunteers. Sometimes it’s the one comforting item or the first moment of joy that they’ve had after a long day of chemotherapy or whatever uncomfortable procedure they’ve had to go through, that day. Sometimes it’s the first book they’ve ever had that’s all their own, that they get to keep.
One book can educate, inspire, motivate, or even just provide a needed escape, for a while. It can open the mind to new possibilities and new places. It can be any book,…….. as long as they can read it.
That’s why your Grandma takes the time to sort the books into age appropriate categories, and then sits and listens to the children read them a bit, before they go home.
With the budget cuts to education, and with lawmakers making policy to indoctrinate students with Christianity at the school, literacy is more important than ever, and we will need all the volunteers who are willing to help teach our children to read.
We will also need them to visit our elderly, feed our hungry, give affordable health care, and build affordable housing.
Why? Why do we need volunteers to do more and more for us? Because the Federal Government is intentionally and progressively doing less and less.
The current administration withheld FEMA assistance, after California wildfires, and did little to help Flint Michigan when it was discovered that their tap water was contaminated. And for Puerto Rico, after their latest hurricane, the current representative of the United States had only insults for their Mayor, and rolls of paper towels to throw for a nice photo op.
In each case, it was left to the volunteers to provide life-saving food, clean water, emergency shelters, etcetera, and since California has more people than any other state in the US, then it follows that we also have the most need for volunteers, and luckily, by that same token, we have plenty of people to do the volunteering.
Everyone can do SOMETHING. Cody, you’ve already done a lot of volunteering, from walking horses for physically challenged people to teaching by role playing at the Renaissance Faire, and today you’re here, helping us to spread the word about Calexit, even though you don’t support it. Sometimes it’s important to do something that we don’t want to do, just because it needs doing.
That’s often the definition of volunteering. It would be a lot nicer to be home playing video games, or watching a good movie, but sometimes that blind person needs a book read to them, or that elderly person needs a few boards hammered back onto the side of their house.
You can read in many a good book about someone who, in the midst of facing their own challenges, still reaches out a hand to help someone else.
That’s volunteerism. That’s where you’ll find your Grandmother, and my mother, Judy Shaw, because she’s volunteered in many capacities, since before I was born. Grandpa Len volunteered right alongside her, in many cases, but I chose to shine the spot- light on her, Today.
Maybe next time I have a platform, I will shine a light on your Grandpa Len’s volunteerism, when he did odd jobs for the elderly, or helped Grandma Judy to teach English to Russian immigrants to America, because that speaks to giving a leg up to immigrants, which is important, because they founded HALF of our Fortune 500 companies, and continue to help boost our economy.
If we’re going to liberate CA from the governing body that cares nothing for us our our best interests, we’re going to need to join with others to do so. The founders of Calexit know this, and are already making trade and other types of agreements with the governments of other countries:
Hillary Clinton does not represent us, but she was absolutely right when she reminded us that we are stronger together.