Dear John……..Rep. of Ohio

Sue Hirsch
7 min readApr 1, 2019

Dear Mr. Becker.

You’re paid to represent the people of Ohio, and I’d call you “Representative Becker” but to “represent” a community of any size means that you represent EVERY person in that community.


You did that when you:

  1. Made the assumption that a child (not your own) had done something to DESERVE to be disciplined by use of a taser.
  2. Decided that that child’s own parents shouldn’t have been informed of that need for discipline and allowed to mete it out, themselves.

In that, you also:


I’m not alone in my assessment of your unfitness to represent your community. Here’s a small sample of the public’s reaction to your idiotic and callous statement that the kid tased by the cop was probably acting stupid or “punk” like:

  • Jay Santos If acting stupid is the criteria for police to shoot people then why isn’t this Rep riddled with bullets?
  • Lisa Ingram Nah, she was just Black.
  • Brittney Doubleu Yes, let’s shoot or tase children, but abortions are out of the question. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Henry Pullin Yea the kids the punk, sure, and not the grown person who needs a taser to defend them from an 11 yr old.
  • Jack Heller He said this in August 2018. So whoever voted for him last year decided this wasn’t bad enough to lose their votes.
  • Brenda N Niemann Are all Republicans beyond saving? When did millions turn into filthy monsters? It’s probably that social media allows us to see these stories but good god, how long have Republicans been evil ignorant swine?
  • Anthony Seoane #Amerika is a country obsessed with punishment and inflicting pain.
  • Lisa Heck most 11 year olds are acting stupid sometimes, but we don’t BATTER them. WTAF?
  • Adam Michael Brensen The right’s obsession with victim blaming is disgusting and reflects the common behaviors among them of low personal accountability. Their brains are wizards at justification and deflection.
  • Liz Enskat Daniel Tase my niece or nephew. Wake up in morgue.
  • Domoneicqua Ieshia Williams If adults are killed by tasers imagine what it could do to an 11 year old. This is why when I move back to the states im getting a gun and taser. We need the black panther party back. I stole candy once when I was little…. enough to get tased. Not…See More
  • Aggie Lee Malinowski Never happened to a lot of us when we were 11… our parents were called and that seemed to be enough.
  • Dean Kirschmann Cops are domestic terrorists, period! Time to fight back! Now!

David Menefee What kind of folks elect this trash?

  • Allison Williamson “I’d be blaming myself and endlessly soul searching to figure out how I failed as a parent and why my kid grew up to be a punk.” I am sure this is exactly what his parents are feeling, Because clearly, his parents have failed. He has no basic humanity and it always seems to be a race to the bottom for these types.
  • Steph Fenimore Is he even fit for office with statements like that????????
  • Richard Brooks There’s gotta be *someone* in Ohio game to tase Becker, right? That face just screams pedo….
  • Marilyn Crawford-Brown This is what they think of our children smdh
  • Connie Hoffman So in his world, childhood is shaped by violence towards them by adults in authority, there to serve and protect?
  • Roddrick Rowdy This is who you guys voted for…..they’re not afraid to speak their truths anymore!!
  • Samer Ghadry Yep just standard procedure in the land of the free, home of the brave
  • Florence Hill-Creary Had it happened to His loved one I promise you the comment would have been totally different. There’s just no excuse for this!!! We’re trying to teach our Children to respect Authority yet they’re being disrespected! Hate to say this but… now I see why so many feel like they do!!
  • Jeff Oakley You have to shoot/taser an 11 year old???? Sad sad men
  • Gwendolyn Wilson Is the man in the red tie laughing at his comments.
  • Darold Newton You sir should retire…been a while since he could relate to an 11yr old!! Or remember what it’s like to be one!! :)
  • Austin Akalanze How do these idiots get elected in the first place?
  • Suzanne Kelly tasers kill. they are used to torture and make people comply, whether or not compliance is legally required. Bean bag guns stun, disable — no brain damage, heart damage.
  • Ike M. Hunley Republicans historically, have been harmful to working class Americans!
  • Alex Wall Ok well you’re being annoying so I guess we can shoot you?
  • Ed Coonce If stupidity deserved tasing or death from a firearm, then he’s a prime candidate.
  • Charmaine Mastroianni He was too lazy to get up chase her so he used a weapon that could potentially stop her heart. Good job.
  • John Stewart I wanna vomit. If I had kids, Move to Windsor, to protect them.
  • Sharon Taylor Ohio State Representative John Becker should be relieved from his seat immediately.
  • Cynthia Hunn Sell And why is that black guy in the background laughing?
  • Sandra Bettis I’m trying to figure out that look on the man’s face in the background.
  • Karen Bestest Whenever I look up which party the latest dreadful thing said came from, it’s always Republican.
  • Greg Verzosa Tase him the next time he gets pulled over for a minor traffic violation. He deserved it for doing something stupid, right?
  • Curt Perkins If acting stupid was justification for getting tased, the cops would be busy tasing the GOP every day…
  • Delilah Brown And people continue to vote these types of people in office.
  • Jon Becker … embarrassment to our name… Shame sir!
  • Ronee Groff In 2019 it is incomprehensible that someone could represent any living thing and could be this ignornant and hateful!!!! I would question his intelligence and would not bother with his heart or soul because he apparently never got those. Ohio can do better!!!
  • Terry Rivers A grown man that doesn’t have enough sense to handle an 11 yr old child should not be a cop! He probably feared for his life too.
  • Karen Piacentini Unbelievable. For an in-depth look at the state of our judicial system in this country, I highly recommend the SERIAL podcast Season 3 where journalists interview and record in the Cleveland Courts. It’s eye opening.
  • John Vinson The trump Admin is looking into lower voltage tasers for use on toddlers and infants — mainly for use at the border. Gof forbid a bad toddler will get a hold of one but as we know the best protection from a bad toddler woth a taser is a good toddler with a taser….
  • Ash Johnson Guess this is the new America smh! They represent the state & its scary
  • Suzanne Tillman This is why I’m “from” Ohio. I left as soon as possible.
  • Carrie Lee Someone should tase Rep John Becker for being a acting like stupid punk!

So, there you have it, Mr. Becker. You may want to post those comments on your bathroom wall, or on the ceiling above your bed, or print and laminate them and use them for place mats, as a reminder that speaking should come AFTER thinking, especially if you haven’t walked in the shoes of the person(s) that you ALLEGEDLY represent, or are paid to represent.


Children are called “children” for a reason. Their behavior is childish and will always look “stupid” and or “punk” like, to the uninitiated. (Those not in any field related to child development/child care).

Those of us who are parents and or child carers know that children raised in an authoritarian environment and harshly punished for their foibles and mistakes will grow up to be socially inept and even criminals. We have learned that they will often (as adults) turn that resentment against those who are less able to defend themselves………..Their elders and their own children and other people’s elders and children………like you, Sir.

I suspect that YOU may have been mistreated, as a child and strongly suggest that you ………….SEEK HELP. It is a pattern that you need to break, because it has already caused you to alienate an entire TWO subgroups of society: Children old enough to read and understand what they see on the internet, AND their guardians.

Their guardians didn’t need you to sanction further police brutality. They needed you to make it feasible for them to teach their children that they could TRUST the police to help them if they were ever lost or scared. …… my parents taught me.

You failed, this time. Maybe YOU should GROW UP and give it another go, because children aren’t “stupid”. They are simply STILL LEARNING AND GROWING, and NO CHILD needs to be disciplined with a taser.

Tasing any one can cause them injury or even death, as they could fall and hit their head on the ground or against any solid object in their vicinity.

That could end up costing your constituents in your own state A LOT OF TAX DOLLARS, in lawsuits for hospital and or funeral bills, and maybe for the special education needs of a child that’s been tased to the point of brain damage, which could easily factor into the situation.

But sure. Go ahead and open your state to that kind of flushing away of their hard earned tax dollars. I’m sure they’ll love you for it.

And by the way, when all is said and done…….You’re still a d*ck.

