Open Letter to Senator Feinstein:

Sue Hirsch
4 min readMay 10, 2019

Hello Senator Feinstein.

So very nice to hear from you again, after all these years, since my parents (Len and Judy Shaw of Novato California) threw you all those lovely campaign parties, to get you into the White House.

I know that you must be grateful for all the time and energy they put into getting you elected……….even though you haven’t said more than two words, to them, since then.

It’s also perfectly obvious to me, having seen that clip of you rudely brushing off a classroom full of children with environmental concerns, that you care, immensely, about what happens to their grandchildren.

I want to thank you for getting back to me about the gas and diesel tax, considering that no other Congress person had the decency to do that, even though that petition went to each and every one of them, and the best that they could do, in the way of an acknowledgement was a boiler plate letter, with your name to it.

It’s nice to know that Congress is not wasting time thanking me for expressing my concern over the highway robbery that they’ve condoned along with tRump’s crimes against humanity. Their CONTINUED inaction condones it.

The inaction of Congress not only CONDONES tRump’s crimes against humanity but PERPETUATES them:

Each day that tRump is in office, he is TRAITOROUSLY destroying the US economy, lying to us, and INCITING VIOLENCE through hates speech.

Each day that tRump is in office is another day that Congress due to cowardice or their own collusion with tRump, has AIDED AND ABETTED or simply committed the crime of DEPRAVED INDIFFERENCE to his crimes against humanity:

The concentration camps, so delicately called “detention centers”; His obstructions of justices, and ordering of witness tampering and pay offs to the women he violated; His tax evasions, for which anyone else would already have been fined or jailed, much more quickly upon discovery; His mocking of disabled people; His repeated demonstrations of his total and TRAITOROUS disregard for life with the tax cuts that have only caused harm to the American worker, the roll backs of Obama’s environmental and health care protections, and cuts to food stamps, heating assistance and free lunches for school kids.

It touched me, deeply, Senator Feinstein, that you would take time out of your busy day, to get back to me, about the gas tax, when you are truly trying to fight the good fight that will bring sanity back to the White House and some financial stability back to the American worker. Then we can sleep again at night, knowing that we will have jobs tomorrow, and regular paychecks and that soon the paycheck from one job NOT THREE OR FOUR PER PERSON will be enough to cover rent on a one or two room apartment that will just barely house their family of 3+ people.

Your understanding gratifies me, as I’m sure it does your constituents, many of whom are dreading sending their children to school, tomorrow, where their children are as likely to be shot as taught, or shamed and starved for their parents’ failure to send in lunch money. Many of their children are also dreading torturous bullying at the hands of peers or teachers who have taken a cue from tRump and will bully them because they are Black/LGBTQAI/Special Needs/ESL/Other.

I’m sure that your constituents will agree with me that you are earning your wage, paid by our tax dollars and representing our diversity and speaking for our best interests on Capitol Hill, when you’re not taking expensive trips and eating at fancy restaurants, and snottily brushing off classrooms of kids who know that our best chance of survival is to protect the environment.

Those kids that turned to you because they looked up to you, should have known better than to believe that they could make a difference by inspiring you to also want to make a difference. How dare they expect you to be that admirable, simply because you are a woman that won your way into a “Man’s World” of politics and intrigue. You certainly can’t be held responsible for their heroine worship.

But, ya. There’s still that pesky gas tax issue to be handled, so forget I said anything and go back to work or bed.

Maybe tomorrow, things will magically be better for the rest of us, and we’ll start being able to sleep at night again, knowing where our next meals are coming from, how we’re going to pay for rent and electricity in the same month, and that we’ll see our kids when they come home from school………….ALIVE………..without having had to practice a school shooting drill.

Maybe tomorrow Congress will grow a spine, and you will have the grace to apologize to those kids you brushed off, remembering that you weren’t always a Congress Woman, and they turned to YOU for a reason, and that they were RIGHT. They had a good idea, and everyone knows it, and all you had to say was something like: Yes, that’s a good idea, and we’re working on it.

You said nothing like that. Your response was abominable, and completely devoid of grace, tact, understanding or compassion for children.

Those children will grow up to vote. Their families already vote. Their friend’s families vote, as well as families of their friend’s families. How sad for you, that in that one moment, when you decided that you didn’t have 5 minutes to be polite to a group of children, you probably lost all those future votes. …………..and mine.


Sue Hirsch Nee Shaw

