People Are Not Horses!!
Representative Betty Price says that the only good HIV positive person is a dead one. I beg to differ. There are many who have inspired many in their life times, but I’ll get to that. First off, People are not horses to be put down, when they are lame or sick, and I told her that in the following email sent to her at:
People are not horses to be put down, when they are lame/sick. Everyone seems to know that but you. Hope you never get a tapeworm, Ulcerative Colitis or fibro-myalgia…..
Also, these 56, famous, HIV+ people were a lot more inspiring in their life times than you could ever hope to be in A HUNDRED LIFE TIMES:
And actually, I lied, before. I do, hope you get a tape worm, and other chronic and annoying conditions, including HIV, because it can happen to anyone. Are you sure your hubby hasn’t ever stepped out on you, and wasn’t with an HIV+ girlfriend before he met you?
So that was the end of the letter that I sent to her, but there’s one more thing that’s important to note, here, and that is this:
This is not the first time that Republicans have incited violence during tRump’s administration.
tRump himself incited violence at every campaign rally:
Republican politicians and tRump have admonished that civil war would be the result of their “golden boy” (read: the incompetent, orange buffoon) not being re-elected. And by admonishing, I mean that they put it into the heads of the masses, and made it an acceptable outcome in the eyes of their base:
tRump instructed police officers to not be gentle with people they were taking to jail. He even encouraged them to bang their heads on the tops of the police cars, as they were guiding them in.
He is equally insensitive to the plight of asylum seekers who have hiked for hundreds of miles with nothing but the children in their arms and the clothes on their backs, in the hopes of finding safety. They went without water and food to try to ensure that their children could have CHILDHOODS, only to have tRump’s personal flying monkeys shoot at them, at the border, and rip their children out of their arms and lock them in separate cages filled with so many others in similar circumstances that there is no place to sit or lie down, and disease runs rampant due to the over-crowded conditions.
It’s true that the weapons were only tear gas, but it was being shot at parents with babies in their arms and at their sides. Those parents could have tripped and fallen on their babies.
Not your baby, you say?
What would Jesus say to that? You may want to refresh yourself on that by rereading Matthew 25:35. Or the words of Jesus Himself:
You religious folks are all about going to church and putting a little spare change in the hat and giving a lot of lip service to doing charitable deeds…….as long as those charitable deeds are for people who look like you, pray like you and come from the same part of the world that you do.
I don’t have to forgive you for that hypocrisy, because I’m not a Christian, much less a good Christian. Instead, I’ve chosen to be a GOOD PERSON.
There’s a difference lately.
Not only have I chosen to be a good person, I’ve chosen to very publicly set the example of being a leader. I am working to achieve this by adding my efforts to those of two different organizations with overlapping goals. One of the two organizations is Calexit, and the other is Return California.
Calexit will be holding our THIRD PRESS CONFERENCE ON NOVEMBER 3, and ………..YOU’RE INVITED. You are welcome to share your thoughts and you will not be asked or coached to espouse any point of view but your own.
The press conference will be in Hollywood CA. Please ask me, for the address if you are interested: or find me on Facebook:
Return California’s mission is to simply start a conversation. We have gotten the ball rolling a bit already, and heard back from some Indigenous Peoples that they actually would……(wait for it)……..LIKE SOME OF THEIR LAND BACK.
While it’s true, that they didn’t see themselves as “land owners” before we invaded from Europe, we did push them onto resource poor reservations so that we could have the land, water and mineral resources of the lands they used to roam, hunt, fish and gather from in order to survive.
Not only did they eat of the land, they actually cultivated it, as well. In fact, they took care of the land so well that there were far fewer wildfires and there was far less soil erosion than there is Today.
Now don’t don’t grab everything you own in a panic, and tell me: Like hell I’m gonna give my house to Native Americans!
It’s not the land under your house that they want.
What they want back is rights to FEDERAL LANDS, since that land was their territory, is sitting fallow, and is often adjacent to reservations, anyway. It doesn’t even matter what they want to do with it. Our TALKING about giving it back to them is earning their trust back.
But I’ve digressed from the main topic, which was Betty Price’s attitude toward vulnerable members of our society and the general attitude of her colleagues toward those vulnerable members of society………or have I?
Maybe all those broken treaties make my point one last time. The Native Americans were vulnerable to diseases that Europeans brought to the Americas, and so we knowingly engaged in germ warfare to decimate whole Nations of their people.
We marched them thousands of miles then forced them to live on reservations at the end of that journey:
And the government bought Native American scalps, for a time:
So really, violence has ever been the American way. But California hopes to be better than that. She has long yearned for a chance to wrest her hard earned tax dollars from the greedy grasp of the war mongering US. We would put those dollars to better use.
We would build bridges instead of walls.
Those bridges would enrich our budding Nation and end poverty and homelessness, here in California.
Those bridges would open doors to new trade agreements and add jobs and wealth to our import/export industry, and rejuvenate our tourism industry that took a hit when tRump took office.
Those bridges would make our roads safer, and our freeways less congested:
California would BUILD bridges, while the US Congress is currently full of people who are BURNING bridges.
Even Piers Morgan, whom I had admired and respected, for a while, had only a mouth full of ignorance and insults for the intelligent, poised and courageous Greta Thunburg:
He had no clue that she had Aspergers, and didn’t stop to think how far she’d traveled, or how brave she had to be to get up in front of a room full of strange adults AND speak out for an entire generation of young people worried about the planet.
It was easier for him to not study the topic in question, which was climate change. It was safer for him to not logically argue the point in question. In order to avoid having to brush up on climate change or on reasons that his generation is entitled to do nothing about it, he simply mocked and insulted the message carrier.
California can do better, ……….and therefore, ………SHE MUST.