Ridiculous Religion

Sue Hirsch
7 min readMay 7, 2019


Sometimes religion makes a mockery of itself.

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Sometimes it simply makes itself an easy target for mockery and derision.

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Sometimes there’s a little of both, in the mix, as is usually the case when religion interferes in medicine:

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Or (and most especially) in politics:


It’s patently obvious, from the article, above that “Mayor” Theresa Kenerly, of Hoschton Georgia, has either forgotten history or never learned it. She said that her state isn’t ready for a Black administrator.

I would (not so) respectfully beg to remind the good (read: uneducated) “Mayor” that Black people were good enough to be drafted and to VOLUNTEER for EVERY US war, since we decided to declare our independence from England. I would also advise the “Mayor’s” constituents to ask her what she has ever done, to earn the freedom that she uses to oppress the descendants of the people who made her freedoms possible.

You see, these people, alongside their “White” (race being the construct that it is) brothers in arms are the ones who actually fought for and won our independence from England:

  • James Armistead — Armistead was an American spy who worked as a double agent. He fed the British false information and also provided important information to the Americans that helped lead to victory at the Battle of Yorktown.
  • Crispus Attucks — Attucks was the first patriot killed at the Boston Massacre.
  • Austin Dabney — Dabney fought for the Georgia Militia as an artilleryman. He was shot and wounded at the Battle of Kettle Creek.
  • Lambert Latham — Latham was a member of the Continental Army. He was killed trying to defend his commander at the Battle of Groton Heights.
  • William Lee — William Lee was a slave of George Washington. He served as Washington’s personal aide throughout the war. He was freed from slavery in Washington’s will.
  • Peter Salem — Salem first served in the Massachusetts Militia and then later in the Continental Army. He fought at the Battle of Bunker Hill where he killed the British leader Major John Pitcairn.

I don’t see her name on that list. …………or any name that bears any resemblance to Kenerly. Were there ever any Kenerlies in the armed forces, or is she another of the same cloth as the US “president”?

The “African Americans” helped us to win that war for our independence, because we offered the slaves their freedom:



“……..the pivotal driving force behind participation was the promise of freedom or that of a better life….”

And as we entered WWI, we offered our Black population another false promise of equality, dignity and respect, under the law:

“….and on April 2, 1917, he (Woodrow Wilson) stood before Congress and issued a declaration of war against Germany. “The world must be made safe for democracy,” -


Black people along with other SLAVES built this country that we stand on. They built the White House, picked the cotton that made us rich, and gave us most of our best music.


In return, we: Denied them the vote; continued to trade in Black lives; (via the school to prison pipeline, and police racial profiling) held to the senseless and backwards tradition of segregation,…… and when Black people finally won their fight for their “right” to vote, we instituted literacy tests and polling taxes.

All this was going on, from the moment that we wrote and ratified the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, which allegedly gave every Man and Woman certain “inalienable rights”.

History and Civics courses were clearly NOT a high priority for “Mayor” Theresa Kenerly or she would know those inalienable rights by heart, and would never have considered standing in the way of ANY person’s right to employment, because that is not considered to be “equal protection under the law”:

The Fourteenth Amendment explicitly prohibits states from violating an individual’s rights of due process and equal protection. Equal protection limits the State and Federal governments’ power to discriminate in their employment practices by treating employees, former employees, or job applicants unequally because of membership in a group, like a race, religion or sex. Due process protection requires that employees have a fair procedural process before they are terminated if the termination is related to a “liberty,” like the right to free speech, or a property interest.

Science class was plainly not high on “Mayor” Theresa Kenerly’s list of priorities, either.

(A sad reflection on Hoschton Georgia’s educational system and maybe on that of the state of Georgia, as well).

Scientists proved, (a while ago) that skin pigment is meaningless as an indicator of genetic superiority.


Wiki-Pedia calls “Scientific Racism” a pseudoscience and says that the race question was put to rest in 1950. “Mayor” Theresa Kenerly and her supporters are sadly behind the times:



But maybe it was this article that best pointed out the greed that is the root of this backwater and backwards sort of thinking:


So if you, Dear reader or you, Ms. Kenerly happen to be deluded that you are all that and a bag of chips, because of your skin color, I’m sorry to have burst your bubble. Feel free to go cry some crocodile tears into your pillows. I’ll wait here, because there’s even more to the story of the true basis of your theory that you are somehow more entitled than other people.

Are you back. Oh good. Now we can go on:

The slave-based economy in the south necessitated a racist exploitative system, which led to the development of biological, zoological and botanical theories to ‘explain human difference and to justify slavery……

We started out exploiting the Black people because we didn’t want to pick our own cotton, wash and iron our own sheets, or cook and serve our own family dinners. Later, we continued the practice, because we knew that if they (Black people) ever got the vote, we would lose the riches that we had built on their blood, sweat and tears. The racism continues to this day, simply because we are afraid………..

We are afraid that if we release our choke hold of oppression on Black people, that they will turn the tables on us. We are afraid of being on the receiving end of a comeuppance that we richly deserve. We’re afraid of having to share power, land, jobs and marketplace monopolies to which we have long felt entitled.

That day of reckoning is upon us. Women have joined Black people and other “minorities” (to the point that they are no longer in the minority) in filling Congressional seats and manifesting policy that was authored long ago. They are remaking policy as well, to turn the US into a better and more equitable version of Herself.

Sadly, that turn around is a day late and a dollar short for Californian’s taste. California has wearied of trying to work within the rules of a system that was not made to be equal. We know that will never win, by playing by their rules.

Californians know this. Californians are already pulling back from the morass of failure that is the Current Administration of the US. We are not only leaving them behind, but we are leaving them in the dust!

We have declared ourselves to be a Nation in all but name because we are simply fed up with the cheats and liars that have too long held the reins and from too far away.

They do not represent us or our values, and they never have. They did not ask for our consent when they annexed us. They simply won us in a treaty made with Mexico, and ever since they have exploited our land for its gold, water, oil and coast line trade.

Those in power are ungrateful betrayers, selling our preserved lands to foreign and domestic corporate interests who defile and pollute our land and water, and “buy” our water for pennies on the dollar, with the blessing of the Federal Government. They say that they will be better off without us, when we have always provided the most of their meat, dairy and produce.

We have contributed the most in Federal taxes and benefited the least.

Thankfully our independence is at hand, so that we can continue to be enriched by our one time minorities, and begin to better respect their rights, unhindered by a border wall………..and we will.

(When the land is our again, we can tear down that barrier to humanity and common sense).

We can use the money that would have gone into that wall to repair the damage that it did to our economy………….and we will.

We will make our NATION of California inviting for businesses and investors from around the world again. Auto builders will return. Innovators will return and our Indigenous brothers and sisters will teach us how to care for the land to reduce the frequency of wild fires and mud slides.

Deported fathers and mothers will return to raise their children so that they will no longer burden California’s economy, and enrich friends of tRump who own the concentration camps that are selling those children to the highest sex trafficking bidders:



California has ever been a beacon of light in the dark world of US politics fueled by special interest groups and bribery. Throughout history, we have outshone our “leaders” in civilized behavior, innovation, and care of our environment. We will continue to improve in those areas, and we will watch from afar, as the US either forces her own government to adhere (once again) to the Constitution as it was written, or continues to allow Herself to be betrayed by that government.

We are the NATION of California.

Join Us!!




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