Member-only story
If God does not exist let God not exist. Why identify as an atheist? It’s because Atheism is a lifestyle. Every day you wake you must continue to make the ‘personal’ choice to reject God. Why are you not like this with the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
Lots of great replies can be found by following the link and very similar to the spirit of my own, which is in that long list of replies,……..somewhere.
And speaking of the Flying Spaghetti Monster:
Diane AltinbilekThe Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (Official)
Hello pals, you may find this story amusing. So I make jewelry and this past Christmas I designed and made one of these for my bestie and interest in them took off once I posted it on Instagram and my business page on Facebook. It seems that it has piqued interest not just from potential customers but also from those who wish to ‘save’ me. I am getting DMs and friend requests from some very religious but also incredibly problematic people. Checking their profiles and found all sorts alt-right or hyper-conservative rhetoric. Everything from your garden variety racism and misogyny and Trump2024 bs to bragging about involvement in Jan6. And I am the one that needs saving? Thank for being awesome, friends. You have clearly been touched by his noodly appendages.