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The American Culture of Rape
The graphic above kind’a speaks for itself.
These are just some of the LAME DUCK excuses and justifications that people use to do their violent will on others, in the form of rape.
Let’s break down all these excuses, before we go any further:
A girl is wearing a short skirt. Does her rapist rape the skirt? NO. So how does that excuse hold water?
Let me remind you that some MEN also wear short skirts. Sometimes they’re called kilts. Men who wear kilts, don’t walk around all day with the thought in the back of their mind that they could easily be raped at any moment. That’s just further proof that the reason for rape is:
Alright. On to the lame duck excuse that someone deserves to be raped because they were DRINKING. Men drink too. Does that mean that when a guy passes out, it’s okay for me to sodomize him with the neck of a nearby coke or beer bottle?
I hadn’t thought so……..until now.
Since it still seems to come up in court, alongside those other excuses, in the graphic, maybe we need to clarify that it’s still NOT OKAY. And it’s still simply an indicator of: