Member-only story
The Blame Game
In my previous post I mentioned “The Blame Game” and how there’s always enough blame to go around.
That’s true.
I also mentioned that the minute we start playing “The Blame Game” WE’VE LOST.
When we blame some else or some group of people for any given problem, we are making it THEIR responsibility to solve the problem. I think I said as much, in my previous post.
What I didn’t get round to saying is that:
Those OTHERS may not care to solve the problem.
It is actually in the best interest of the government to NOT solve some of our ugliest problems, and especially racism and other isms that have us divided against each other.
When we are milling around in confusion and fighting The Other, we’re not educating ourselves, as to which of our representatives and legislators are voting for and against the bills that have a direct bearing on how we live our daily lives.
They’re voting on minimum wage, and on the pay gap. They’re voting on maternity leave, and paternity leave, and on whether or not Planned Parenthood lives or dies, along with a woman’s right to choose.
They’re voting on who gets to stay in this country, and who gets deported.
They’re voting on how much to cut from the welfare programs and school budgets and how much of that to give to the military and where to send our troops.