Member-only story
The Boogey Man
There is a Boogey Man
Lives under your bed
N whispers religion
Into your head
Nonsensical words
Of a backwards age
To fill you with arrogance
And holy rage
The Boogey Man chooses
Only a few
To hear his desires
Before dawning’s dew
No Gays are chosen
No migrants or Jews
He’s never chose women
Nor Black folk too
Indigenous are out
Don’t ask me why
I don’t listen to Boogey Men
I’ve big fish to fry
I’ve only contempt
of the need for Jihads
Burning of witches
Always was bad
I’ve got busy
With rocking this boat
When it’s tipped
Will be my time to gloat
The order of things
Will turn upside down
And today’s smiling politicians
Will wear b’reft frowns
The people again
Empowered will be