The Cost of Trump

Sue Hirsch
6 min readJun 11, 2019


It’s been slowly dawning on me, since 2016, when the US “President” took in his first golf game at his own golf course, at Mar-a-Lago, that this yutz is costing the American Taxpayer a lot of money. Now it occurs to me, that once California gets serious about secession, and takes her case to court, she will easily be able to sue or counter- sue for A LOT OF MONEY.

You probably don’t want to add it all up, yourself, and frankly, neither do I.

The important thing to know is that someone (me) is keeping a running tab, and I’ll just list a few of the big ticket items here, for which California should definitely sue, later, and certainly will, in a class action suit. The suit will be brought by an organization like Yes California or Return California, on your behalf. (If you’re a Californian):

So if we start with this headline, from Yahoo News:

American taxpayers paid over $90 billion more under Trump tax law

And then we keep in mind that California pays more in taxes to the US, per capita, than any other US state,


And that there are 39,557,045 people in California, (as of the 2018 census), and each of them pays an average of $9,118. in taxes, per year, then add on that extra $90 Billion and divide by 39,557,045

Ya……. We’re going to want our share of that $90 BILLION back.

Then there’s the paint and labor of the military troops that went into painting tRump’s wall.

You know……….that wall that he said Mexico would pay for.

It’s also the wall that is actually impossible to complete, when you consider the topography of the land that is supposed to be under it.

And if that doesn’t give you pause, then maybe you want to consider the animal species whose migrations it will disrupt and destroy.

There are plenty of folks that say that they don’t care, and that “libtards” are stupid for making this argument about the animal species that will be decimated by the wall. I’ve seen their arguments. They forget that we “libtards” argue for their sake and safety as well, and for the future of their children and grandchildren. They also don’t tend to back their arguments for the wall with stats, graphs or facts. One even implied that we “libtards” are calling immigrants an “animal species” and said that that was insulting:

The plain and simple fact is that Humans ARE animals. We are mammals and generally think of ourselves as being at the top of the food chain.

And how many libraries (that help to teach us that we are a part of the “animal kingdom”) will close as a result of this policy that he just made……….Again?!! Proving, yet AGAIN that the current administration has no care for the best interest of any living thing, in the US.

For third year in a row, Trump’s budget plan eliminates arts, public TV and library funding-

And why is it that tRump doesn’t want you to understand your place in the “animal kingdom”? What makes him so afraid of your learning that particular fact, or any other, that he has to shut down an information highway that would allow you to gain that knowledge?

And how much has tRump cost us in ER visits, since he was inaugurated?

Uptick in mass shootings since tRump:

He said that he wouldn’t accept a salary, while in office, but that didn’t stop him from running up a tab that would put most of the bars in America out of business:

$105.8 million in taxpayer dollars for his trips to Mar-a-Largo & other Trump-owned golf courses. (Said he wouldn’t have time for golf, as he was campaigning and had previously impugned Obama’s golf habit and the money spent on it. Has already spent twice as much Obama did during his 8 year term, on golf alone, and has only been in office for 3 years).

Trump required the Secret Service to pay $100,000 per month in rent for use of Trump Tower while protecting Trump and his family until August 2017. No other president has ever required the Secret Service to pay rent.

In April 2017, Trump began charging Department of Defense rent for use of Trump Tower In order to provide “services” to Trump while visiting his home in New York. The cost: $180,00 for 20 days of April 2017, and $100,000 per month thereafter.

To date, Trump has forced the Secret Service to spend $367,875 for use of golf carts, almost all of which was incurred during Trump visits to Trump-owned properties

I could continue to copy and paste from Lea Conner’s Twitter list of financial infractions of the Pretender In Chief, but you can read it for yourself. You can decide if you really want to keep paying for his incompetent “leadership” and vacations at Mar-a-Lago, for another four years.

I on the other hand, happen to be one of those Californians that is planning to sue for costs already accrued, as California liberates herself from the US.

You may say “good riddance” to California, as we go, and I hope that you will be truly relieved to see us take with us the riches of: Our immigrant population, which boosts our economy; Silicon Valley; Hollywood; the meat, dairy and produce that we provide to most of the world, including you, US; our shoreline and its ports; etc.

You will probably find the cost of those losses will fall on you, in the form of higher taxes, when your states have to start paying a higher price for California products, and paying more tolls to come across our bridges to import and export through our ports.

We’re (Californians) going to be hardest (financially) on those who follow the vile fascist that separates families and puts them in cages.

I’m thoroughly confused as to how my fellow Americans can call themselves “pro-life” and yet accept the rule of a creature that condones this.

Those children in cages, are beaten (often to death) and raped by his ICE agents, who undergo NO background checks, and YOUR tax dollars pay their wages.

the creature that you put in charge of our current administration has not only condoned those beatings and rapes, but has made cuts to their legal aid, education and recreational budgets.

Those children are not pawns in a game played by Democrats in Congress. They are LIVING BEINGS who are actually suffering in American CONCENTRATION CAMPS.

It boggles my mind that others are unable to see the dichotomy in paying tax dollars for the activities in these concentration camps, and still call themselves “PRO- LIFE”.

But go ahead. Tell me again how the Democrats (or anyone else) are just using these babies and their families as political pawns. They’re dying, and we’re paying for it, in real dollars, as well as in a very real cost to America’s standing in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Will Mexico ever again be willing to come to our aid, in our times of need, as they were, here?:

Will any other country be willing to help us recover from the natural disasters that are coming our way, since we insist on doing nothing to curb and control our climate changing behaviors?:

And there’s more. Sea levels are likely to continue to rise, and many severe weather events are likely to become more intense. Brace for more record-breaking high temperatures, including multiday heat waves, and more severe precipitation when it rains or snows. Drought could plague the western United States for decades to come. Atlantic and Pacific hurricanes are expected to get even more intense. -

If the situation and the very real cost to the US are as frustrating for you as they are for me then feel free to see what you can do to join up with the Calexit movement, even remotely.

At the very least, you can ask your congress people and lawmakers to let us go, when we petition to secede.

Thank you!



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