The Flag Does Not Stand For Them

Sue Hirsch
3 min readOct 6, 2018

I saw someone reply, today, on a comment, about the impropriety of kneeling during the anthem. His objection was that “this is America” and his ancestors fought for our rights.

Yes, Sir. AND, one of those rights that they fought for was to NOT pledge to the flag or to kneel during the pledge/anthem, and here’s how I explained it on FB:

Actually, our ancestors fought for our rights to respect or disrespect who/what we choose. My respect has to be earned. The American flag has done nothing to earn my respect. Lately our Federal Government has earned only my wrath, disgust, distrust and scorn. Our “president” is a 5x draft dodger, so how has HE earned your respect? By insulting Native Americans? By calling other countries “sh*thole countries”? By mocking a disabled reporter? By caging babies? By starting trade wars that have done and will do irreparable damage to our economy? By pulling out of the Paris Accords that were helping to protect the world’s Ozone Layer and environment? By causing a drop in tourism to Amer? By inciting violence at each of his campaign rallies? I have EVERY RIGHT to show my disrespect for the American Flag, because right now, it doesn’t stand for ME. It no longer stands for ANY ideals that it may have in the past. It stands for NO Black people (School to prison pipeline). It stands for NO students. So what makes you think that this country, its government or its flag cares ONE WHIT about YOU? Why should YOU be different?

And by the way, my ancestors also fought for our rights. I honor their fight and their memories, by working to ensure that EVERY American can exercise their rights, just as I am allowed and entitled to exercise mine.

Right now, women’s reproductive rights, health care and safety are on the line.

………..The flag does not stand for them.

Right now students’ rights and those of people needing healthcare are in jeopardy.

………………..The flag does not stand for them.

Right now, our workers are out of work:

……………….The flag does not stand for them.

Right now, immigrants’ rights are in jeopardy, whether they are naturalized or not.

…………….The flag does not stand for them.

Right now, Black people live in fear, because they have no assurance of their rights to live in safety in their own homes, use their own condo pools, or drive a car or barbecue, legally, in a park.

…………The flag does not stand for them.

Right now, Latinos fear to speak in public, because “Americans” rudely interrupt their conversations to tell them to “speak English” because “This is America”!!

……………..The flag does not stand for them.

(To all you language police: STOP EAVESDROPPING AND BUTTING IN, FOR PETE’S SAKE!! People have a right to have discussions, here, in America that don’t involve YOU. Also):

*English ISN’T the “native” or “official” language of America.*

Gay people must fear to go into public bathrooms, because straight people have begun to interrogate them, and look over the stall walls to make sure that they’re in the right restroom, when there’s only two ways to use a toilet, and…………….

The toilet doesn’t care.

………………The flag does not stand for them.

Right now, American Businesses are threatened by the greed and incompetence of our kakistocracy:

………………The Flag does not stand for them.

Right now, our elderly are in danger of suffering through what are supposed to be their “Golden Years”:

……………….The flag does not stand for them.

So I will.

I will stand for ALL of my “American” brothers and sisters, of all skin colors, tongues, ages and gender identities. I will do it by voting and by KNEELING DURING THE ANTHEM. I do this, out of respect for:




Postscript: On English not being the “Native Language of America”. It actually came from Europe.

We brought it over, when we INVADED the Americas, and yes, there are multiple parts of America. (North, South and Central). We tend to forget that we have any sort of connection or commonality with our friends on the other side of the fence at the California border.

Americas — Wikipedia

Believe it or not, there were languages being spoken, here, before we arrived.

