The Inexcusable Excuse of a Nation
THERE’S NO EXCUSE for all of these dead children and other innocent people.
How many other lives are you willing to sacrifice, because that “bad guy” was able to get his hands, too easily, on his gun, in the first place?
If we cared about the barely begun lives of all of the students, now ended due to the lack of common sense gun laws, in America, then we would have already done more than send along our “thoughts and prayers” to their bereaved parents, friends, and communities.
We would have acted quickly and appropriately on our outrage even before Sandy Hook, and before politicians wore pearls to mock the bereaved parents of those students, during a recent hearing on the matter.
Instead, your “president” wants to arm teachers, against the inevitable continuation and even escalation of the gun violence that has found its way into your schools.
That’ll be a neat trick, since your government says that it can’t afford to keep paying teachers for the class supplies that they’ve been buying.
But it must be true that a “good guy with a gun could stop a bad guy with a gun” because your “president” says so. And shooting the “bad guy” with the gun, will solve everything.
Keep telling yourself that. Because it’s rarely the “bad guys” that suffer and when they do, they rarely suffer alone:
And no one, under fire, at this night club, could have made a shot, up into a 32nd story window across the way. No one had had any warning that they were going to need to be able to draw a weapon, and pick out the window from which the bullets spewed, in order to make a shot that would have needed a scope at the very least, and it was, after all, a “NIGHT CLUB”, so that scope would have had to be a night scope.
How often do you go dancing, toting along a weapon capable of taking out a shooter, in the dark at a distance, and above you?
Nevertheless, your “president” gives US police this, in the way of advice for times when they are rushing into a crisis of flying bullets, and have to make instantaneous decisions about who is a “bad guy with a gun” and who is “a good guy with a gun.”
This from your draft dodging “president,” Cadet Bone Spurs who said that sleeping around was his own personal Viet Nam.
And what you got for those precious pearls of wisdom, (besides a “president that admits to “sleeping around,” and dodging taxes and the draft) is a world in which innocent people and heroes are regularly gunned down along side murderous criminals:
Those are just some of the most memorable few of the unnecessary police shootings, in the US, in this last decade:
What if you went to tell your story of having to bury YOUR child- a victim of one of these school shootings- to congress, and you were treated to a panel of people wearing pearls to mock your loss? I can imagine wanting to shoot down THOSE heartless and short sighted politicians. I can imagine wanting to do it, to get politicians to admit to the folly in America’s lack of common sense gun laws, and to ACT.
There are plenty of cops who shouldn’t be trusted with guns. There are plenty of teachers who have proved themselves to be equally as bigoted and untrustworthy, when it comes to the question of arming them. They already have too much power over their students, and are too quick to intimidate and bully them, when they voice an opinion other than what is mandated by the teacher or the school:
Now imagine this. ……….All those teachers (and some of them are bullies) are now encouraged to carry weapons- allegedly to ward off “the bad guys with guns.” They’re in a class with your precocious kid, who can be such a handful, that some days you can’t wait to get him to his school, in the mornings, so that you can get to work for some peace and quiet.
Your kid’s teacher has to deal with THIRTY of these wiggly, precocious, and noisy kids for 8 hours a day, FIVE DAYS A WEEK, and spend most of his or her weekend grading their papers. He or she has also been woefully underpaid, for a very long time.
Which kids do you think will get the brunt of the teachers’ frustrations? It won’t be the ones that sit quietly, keeping their thoughts to themselves, tracing the alphabet, and reading the assigned chapters of their “white washed” history books. It’ll be the precocious ones that dare to ask questions,
Paddling came to American shores as a way to punish slaves without scarring them. Slave owners and slave traders began paddling because they didn’t want to damage the people they saw as their valuable property.
and the special needs kids that need to be wiggling in their chairs, just a bit, in order to focus. It’ll be the ones that think outside the box, or dare to be born left handed, or into a mixed race family or to single sex parents.
I’m thankful, every day, that I had a teacher that dug a little deeper, when she noticed that I was having difficulties learning. She didn’t just call me lazy, and put me in a corner with a dunce cap. She helped my parents to discover that I had a condition called Epilepsy. The school took the next step, as well, and helped us to find therapists and tutors who taught me how to circumvent the learning challenges that come with Epilepsy.
(Thank you Mrs. Barbara Lynn Lynn and Brandeise Hillel Day School in San Rafael, California).
Now, I am able to teach myself anything I want, because I know how I learn best, and that has made me a happy and productive member of society.
I have the my dream family- One husband, one fifteen year old son and two dogs. I had a good run as a massage therapist, for over 20 years. I have a life coaching certificate, and am an ordained wedding officiant and did several years as a radio talk show hostess, and have been a grassroots activist, for several years, now, as well as an actor, and mushroom hunter, with my son. ………I’m also write children’s books.
All of my bragging actually has a point. ……I mean besides just to earn your deepest respect and admiration. (Because I know I already had that. :)).
The takeaway message is this:
Any non- sociopathic/psychopathic child who is taught in a positive environment, and has their needs met, in a non-abusive and non-threatening atmosphere can become a contributing member of society.
In the long run, it is the students who are intimidated and mistreated, who will be a financial burden on society, in the cost of goods stolen; the cost of insuring those goods; in tax dollars to maintain prisons, or to repair vandalized property and bury murdered people on whom they will end up taking out their hurt, loneliness, and desperation:
All this in a country where your government tells you that better gun control laws can’t work to protect our children and loved ones………which is funny, because it’s worked in other countries.
So when your government tells you that gun control laws don’t work, are you going to allow your politicians to keep making excuses and palliating you with pretty words about thoughts and prayers for the bereaved families for the bodies of their children that are stacking up, a mile high, every day?
Or are you going to call them on that excuse? Are you going to check into the motivation behind that excuse?
It’s up to you, but I know that California can do BETTER: