Stupid Question

Sue Hirsch
4 min readMar 24, 2019


You know how we encourage our kids to ask questions, by telling them that there are no stupid questions? I just came across that question:

Guys, it may come as news to you, but you’ve been able to opt out of fatherhood, for centuries. It’s called being a deadbeat dad.

Kids do the same thing, when they ring your doorbell at 3am, n run away. I just had one of those. Or they promise that they’ll clean their room, if you just play one more game with them, but then they are magically exhausted, after that game, and need a 1–3 hour nap.

When REAL men want to opt out, they opt to keep it in their pants………or they get a vasectomy,……..

………..which possibility the author (link above) conveniently forgets to mention in his article postulating that “men” should be able to “opt out of fatherhood”.

Guys, you'll know if she wants you to father her kids. If she does, chances are good that it’s because she saw something good in you, and wants you to stay. Also, in this day and age, single parenting is a nearly impossible uphill battle.

If you wouldn't be up for it, then don't do it to her.

She doesn't get to choose half as easily as you do. She probably doesn’t have the physical wherewithal to take on a guy her same age/height and manage to not get raped. Until we are about 18, we don't always have the best judgment about guys, or life changing decisions, which is why 18 is the age of consent in much of the US, with exceptions as low as 16 years, IN SOME STATES.

So when you (as a guy) go to bed with us, and then say that you should be able to "opt out of fatherhood", what you're really saying is that to feel safe from the gals that you deem grown up enough to satisfy your carnal needs, and raise a kid on her own, you need to further jury rig the already broken justice system, so that it favors you even more.

This means that:

You’re ashamed of the act that you have done or are PLANNING TO DO.

I have a better solution for you:


Tell her that you JUST WANT SEX, ……...without the kids. Make sure that it’s SAFE SEX, so that you’re actively preventing unwanted pregnancy. Safe also means consenting, which means that she has to be LEGALLY of an age to be able to CONSENT.

Or, to put it another way:

If she’s under 18, and says “yes”, the answer is still NO.

If she’s 18 and said yes to sex, that doesn’t mean that she’s said yes to having a kid.

You were both in on making that kid, so why should SHE be more saddled with it, or the cost of the raising or aborting of the kid than YOU. Real men take at least HALF the responsibility when they do anything in partnership with someone else.

She is, after all, the partner that is going under the knife, because YOU wanted to play house. That is how SHE is TAKING RESPONSIBILITY. She’s not doing it, because she WANTS to, and she knows that she is going to face physical pain during and after the procedure, as well as the judgment of friends and family, and that she may even have to go through it alone.

Now let’s look at the cost to society, when you get tired of playing house, because kids came into the picture:

She may not be able to afford the hospital bills for the abortion/delivery. After she’s hocked everything to pay for that, and is living on the street with a kid that YOU helped to produce, she still has to feed and clothe that kid, and herself, and find a way to keep warm……….maybe in one of those shelters that everyone talks about, but doesn’t want in their neighborhood.

Now let’s consider school:

Just try to send your kid to school without a home address. Send them, knowing that the other kids will tease them, when they are forced to stand in the free lunch line to get their one meal of the day. If you give up on trying to follow the letter of the law, by sending your kids to school, without a home address, or money for lunch, then are they going to learn to pan handle with you, on the street or turn tricks?

Proud of your contribution to society, now, guys?: All those seeds you’ve sown, and then left to be raised by a single parent. Your time and energies put instead, toward activism to tilt the scales of justice ever more in your favor, so that you can continue sowing your wild oats, unhindered by any consequences organic, or meted out by the broken justice system.

I’ve managed, pretty easily to teach my son to keep it in his pants, until he is ready to be responsible for a family, and he’s only 16.

I’ve managed to teach my dogs to leave my stuff alone, as well. I don’t even have to raise my voice at them.

Guys, we gals would probably be perfectly willing to help pay for your vasectomies, if you really want to go around sowing your oats, everywhere, without living, breathing repercussions. Have you ever asked us?

The British have an amusing way of explaining consent, (of someone at least 18, here in the US) that boils down to this: We don’t try to force anyone to drink tea when they’re asleep or when they don’t want it, so why force them to have sex (or a baby), when they don’t want it?

That should sound like a stupid question. Just remember that I’m not the one that originally asked it. ………



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