The Teacher Who Plagued God
Deerfield Elementary School in Cedar Hills, Utah, was plagued, just before Thanksgiving break, by a substitute teacher who thought that she was God.
Thankfully (my nod to Thanksgiving) she was escorted off the premises, never to return.
She had asked the children what they were thankful for. An 11 year old boy said that he was thankful that he was about to be officially adopted, by his two dads, and the teacher went on a 10 minute rant about how that was nothing to be grateful for, because his two dads were living in sin……….
Imagine, if you will, a doctor having a real life saving solution in his hands, and being told that because it wasn’t leeches, it was sinful, so he couldn’t use it to save his patient’s life.
This teacher was being honored by being witness to a miraculous moment, in this child’s life,………..
The kid didn’t speak up for himself, because he was afraid that what she was saying would make his two dads change their minds. He was afraid that they might be as brainwashed by religion as his teacher, and that a religious doctrine would take precedence over their love of him, and over their concern that he should have two loving parents.
I really want to know, where in this teacher’s job description, it said that she was tasked with JUDGING her students! Who died and made her God?!
What I AM thankful for, this Thanksgiving is that his two dads are a little more loving and a little less “God fearing” than this teacher, and that they don’t put any religion or religious scripture before compassion and doing good in the world. I’m thankful that there are still SOME people in this world that DO GOOD DEEDS rather than spending their lives giving lip service, to the importance of doing good, and then spitting all over good deeds done by others, when those others don’t fit their idea of what is religiously correct or appropriate.
Turns out that………..
……………..Who knew?