Vote California Off the Island
Normally, I direct my posts to my fellow Californians. I have been negligent in considering the sensitivities and thoughts of the rest of the US, and I apologize.
Red States, this one is for you:
But he added, “Politics is what has really ruined the state.”
When pollsters in 2012 asked American voters about whether they liked each state, California came in dead last.
Let’s face it, Red States. California and the rest of the US are just never going to be able to settle their differences. The way you see it, we Californians have “ruined” our state with our politics. We insist on legalizing Cannabis, and asylum seekers. We prefer to spend our tax dollars on education and healthcare, versus war and private prisons.
Your politicians say things like:
“People with HIV should be quarantined, and the U.S. would be safer if they “died more readily,” -
Betty Price, Rep.
They say things like, if rape is inevitable, then the victim should just enjoy it, and that she can’t get pregnant from “legitimate rape”.
If your state voted heavily for those politicians that said those things, then your state and California have insurmountable differences. Our cultures are so disparate that we will never be able to come to terms, and the US, by dint of being bigger than California, will forever be in the position of essentially being an oppressor of California.
Those articles back my argument that California goes unheard at the polls. they also back my argument that you wouldn’t miss our votes, if you were to vote to allow us to secede from the Union.
Of course you might miss the tax dollars that we contribute to the US, because without them, somewhat less would go into the maintenance of your infrastructure. You might miss the dairy, beef and produce that we contribute to your table, and the rest of the world, because we actually contribute most of those. You might miss the tourism dollars since we get the most tourism of any state in the US, and you might miss our import/export dollars, since we have ELEVEN ports of entry……
But you’ll make do.
I had to learn to improvise at a very young age. I had a lot of learning challenges, and I still have to think on my feet, and always have a plan B. If I can do it, surely your entire state and her government can do it.
You deserve better than to be (as you see it) held back by California and her constant influx of immigrants. You deserve to be free of our “freeloading” since you can see that we have the most poverty in the US. Of course not everyone stops to consider that CA also has more citizens, per square mile than most other states and we get less help from the Federal government to take care of those impoverished people living on our street corners, so your tax dollars aren’t really helping us there.
We’re not at the top of that list of most federally dependent states, in that first article. We’re 35th on that list.
In fact, many red states are closer to the top of that list than California.
So Californians would LOVE to be voted off the island, so that we don’t have to keep carrying YOU GUYS in the red states.
We’d LOVE to not have to help pay for a wall that we don’t want and another of tRump’s golfing trips to Mar-a-Lago. We’d LOVE to not help pay for US military activity, since we have our own:
We’d LOVE to not have to sue your current administration to protect our air quality.
We’d LOVE to not have the US constantly encroaching and stealing our preserves and national lands for drilling.
We’d LOVE to not have big companies stealing water from California, with the blessing of your federal government.
So many other things that we’d LOVE to be doing right now, but we’re too busy trying to protect our lands, water and civil rights from your Toddler-In-Chief to be able to get to those things.
We can do better, and therefore………..