Member-only story
Huntington Beach is only ONE community of California. Sadly, they are the community that has lately complained the loudest, about the shelter in place policy. That means that right now, the world thinks that they represent California.
Huntington Beach doesn’t even represent all of LA.
They don’t even represent MOST of LA.
If you agree that Huntington Beach is getting just a little big for her britches, you’ll join us in:
LA has the second largest population of Jews IN THE WORLD, and Jews don’t tend to be Skin Heads or White Nationalists.
Three years ago, an article in The Tab said that most of California’s 79 hate groups were clustered around 4 major cities. Even those 4 major cities don’t represent all of California.
The LA Times says that we’re a mostly DEMOCRATIC state, and yet if the popular vote of California had really been fairly counted, tRump wouldn’t be President, today.
Women of California outnumber men, but we know that we don’t represent all of California.
Huntington Beach has forgotten that She doesn’t represent all of California, and that She has NO RIGHT to impose her own values by endangering public health and safety.
For this reason, please join us in