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What Is It With Conservatives and the Dark Ages?!

Sue Hirsch
5 min readSep 27, 2022


It’s becoming painfully obvious that the one thing that today’s Conservatives are trying to “conserve” is “The Dark Ages”. Banning books by and about girls who code is not their (“Conservatives”) opening gambit in this game of slowly whittling away at the rights of diverse groups of Americans. It isn’t even the tip of the ice- berg and the Titanic (Read: US) has already sunk.

We are all drowning in a sea of hate that was stirred to a frothing, whirling cesspool. That cesspool was created long ago, by our own beloved government. Long ago they did this when they decided that the right to vote should be reserved to rich “White” men and that women and Black people were chattel. The land was theirs to take from those who lived here before we invaded and colonized the Americas……..if we could kill the ones that stood in our way.

Of course we’re NOT responsible for what our ancestors did……… That doesn’t mean that we can allow our fellow “Man” to get away with perpetuating these crimes against humanity and expect to prosper.

But then, I hesitate to call folks my “fellow Man” when they feel the need to indulge in hate speech. “Grown- Ups” don’t feel the need to oppress others or put them down in order to feel like a member of some imagined “superior race”.



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