Which Loved One Would You Sacrifice? An Open Letter to Sammy Hagar.

Sue Hirsch
3 min readJun 25, 2020


You’re “willing to sacrifice people” to Covid for the economy.

You don’t say that you’d be willing to sacrifice YOURSELF or any of your own loved ones or friends to Covid. You said that he’d be willing to sacrifice “PEOPLE”.

Mr. Hagar, are your children okay with you being perfectly ready to sacrifice their school friends to Covid? Is your wife okay with you being ready to sacrifice her girl friends and your kid’s favorite teacher? How about your wife’s brother or sister or aunt that she adores?

“People”, Hagar? Who? Which people?

Eventually it’ll be personal for you. That’s not an opinion or a threat. It’s an extrapolation from the statistics.



What would you say, Mr. Hagar, if we asked you to sacrifice your own children or nieces and nephews to Covid? What if you were faced with having to write a will for himself or on behalf of a loved one, and having to pick out flowers and a funeral casket?

